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Does this sound familiar?

You might be feeling like you haven't lived up to your potential or that your life could be better. 

You struggle with setting boundaries and are afraid to say no or ask for what you want because you worry about the impact on others more than the potential upside for you.

You walk a tightrope between success and fearing that you'll make one mistake and be found out as the fraud you fear you might be!

Does this sound like you? 

  • You have always been a high achiever and you’ve been in the workforce for 8+ years 
  • You have what looks to the outside world like a successful career but you have a strong inner critic telling you that you could be doing more
  • When faced with the day to day challenges of your busy professional life, or as a partner, caregiver and human you often find yourself defaulting to comparing yourself negatively to others, feeling judgment or worry. 
  • You want to become that leader who is sought after for stretch assignments and promotions and whose team people are lining up to join
  • You lack a space where you can share your challenges and triumphs and have accountability and community as you learn to practice new habits

Imagine If Instead....

  • You could wake up every morning without an ounce of anxiety and instead just feel like you were already on top of everything that could possibly happen during the day
  • You were seen by leadership as having "great executive presence" and having that "it factor" that immediately gets you new opportunities and fast-track promotions
  • You had unshakable confidence to navigate any situation at work or at home because you knew that no matter what occurred, you could find the gift or opportunity in any negative situation

Mental Fitness is another term for resilience. Contrary to what you might think, the amount of resilience we have is not fixed. At the end of this program, you’ll have a toolkit of new techniques you’ll use to continuously grow yours.  

It takes focus, support and accountability, but it’s possible.

This is what my program offers.

Next cohort begins on April 23, 2024!

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When you join MindFit Collective, you get

  • A dedicated space for support and reflection: We’ll meet weekly, and in those sessions I’ll coach you in a small group format to help support you as you identify and unpack your limiting beliefs and how to move past them
  • A framework to grow your mental fitness: This program includes access to daily exercises and weekly video lessons based on 100s of hours of rigorous research completed by Positive Intelligence program founder Shirzad Chamin and his team of researchers. Research was conducted with CEOs, Stanford students and professional athletes. 
  • A community of like minded women: My participants and my alumni community are the best. They are kind, talented, empathetic women and they learn together, grow together and support each other long after the program ends

You’ll get all this and more! 

Program Includes:

  • 8 weekly, virtual group coaching sessions
  • Unlimited daily exercises and weekly video content designed to teach you new concepts and grow your resilience 
  • Access to unlimited WhatsApp coaching and encouragement as you grow your mental fitness along side a supportive community of like-minded women

In 8 weeks - you'll discover

  • How to assess your current level of mental fitness
  • How to master “self command” or the ability to recognize when you are triggered and move back to calm
  • Identify limiting beliefs and self judgment
  • Saboteur assessment: What particular flavor of limiting belief is most relevant to you and how to overcome it
  • How to see every challenge as as gift and opportunity
  • Sage powers: how to use empathy, creativity, laser focused action to replace limiting beliefs
  • Applications of mental fitness in our day-to-day lives

What to expect:

By the end of this 8 week program, you can expect:

  • To have grown your mental fitness. This means that you’ll feel yourself more frequently responding to life’s challenges with positive, rather than negative emotions
  • After 1-2 weeks, you will be able to effectively practice the skill of self command. Self command means being able to pull yourself back when you feel triggered by
  • Before we finish, you’ll start to see every negative event as a gift and opportunity and as a result, to lead with positive emotions. That skill is limitless, and will help you effortlessly move past negative events that would previously derail them. 


The investment for  the program is a one time payment of $1497 (best value), or two monthly installments of $799 (most flexible option)

Want 1:1 Coaching and Support? Join as a VIP to receive 2x 1:1 coaching sessions. The cost for the VIP package is a one time payment of $1999 (best value) or two monthly installments of $1050 (most flexible option)

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What Past Participants Are Saying

Joining Stephanie's Mental Fitness Program was, by far, one of the best decisions I made last year. I was struggling with impostor syndrome and feeling stuck in my role, yet I was too burnt out to consider other possibilities. Weekly meetings with Stephanie and the Mental Fitness Group allowed me to 'zoom out,' pushing me to reconsider my situation and my sense of agency. Learning from and listening to the stories of other incredible women not only helped me gain clarity on my path and next steps but also provided a strong sense of accountability, community, and support. This was particularly beneficial as I began interviewing for new roles. When I eventually landed something that was exactly what I hoped for professionally and financially, I had the right state of mind to know I should take it and I would thrive there. Oh, and I also built friendships and relationships that I know will last a long time!

-Sofia, April 2023 Participant

Stephanie's coaching in her Mental Fitness program came at a pivotal moment for me! Her guidance through this program helped me build confidence, create new routines, put a name to mental habits that were holding me back, and build connections with fellow leaders that I can now call a support system. Her ability to listen, ask the right questions, and foster community within this group allowed for the vulnerability that helped me make significant strides towards being a more confident leader. I'm grateful to Stephanie for her incredible support and the lasting impact she's had on both my professional and personal life through this wonderful program.

- Danielle, Jan 2023 Participant 

Stephanie’s Mental Fitness Program has been instrumental in empowering me to dim my inner saboteurs – those unhelpful, judgmental thoughts that often cloud our perception.

Through working with Stephanie, I've gained the tools to recognize these sabotaging thoughts and redirect my focus towards my strengths, allowing me to see situations with more clarity and objectivity. This shift has enabled me to improve my emotional regulation, ensuring that fleeting thoughts no longer dictate my actions, self-confidence, and assumptions of others and their intentions.

Instead, I've become more connected with my “higher self”, being able to make better decisions and operate from a place of strength, compassion, and curiosity while holding firm boundaries and a deeper respect for myself and those around me.

- Jill, April 2023 Participant 


Who is this program for?

  • This program is for women who have been climbing the corporate ladder for at least 10 years and who identify as high achievers.   

What is the weekly time commitment?

  • Each week, Monday-Friday you’ll  spend 15 minutes a day building your mental fitness. Each week, you’ll also want to set aside an hour to watch the weekly video lesson, and we’ll have our 45 minute coaching session. So this in total adds up to about 3 hours per week

When do sessions happen?

  • Sessions happen at 9:00 AM Pacific on Tuesdays via Zoom. Group coaching calls last for 45 minutes. For the purpose of confidentiality, calls are not recorded, but weekly video lessons are available to be watched on your own time. 

How large is each cohort?

  • This is an intimate group. Group size can vary between 3-10 participants. 

What type of support can I expect?

  • In addition to weekly coaching sessions with Stephanie, you will be added to a private group chat where you can reach out for unlimited support and encouragement over text.

How frequently do you run this group?

  • Groups are run quarterly. The next group is kicking off on April 2, 2024. Dates will be posted at a later time for Summer and Fall 2024 cohorts. 

Do you have a refund policy?

  • Every person who has gone through this program has been fully satisfied. If after 2 weeks of program kick-off you have done all of the mental fitness exercises and you are not satisfied with your investment I will offer you a full refund. 

I have an additional question not covered here:

What Past Participants Are Saying

“Stephanie’s Mental Fitness program helped to remind me how to respond proactively rather than reactively - and to always give others the gift of grace. I almost didn’t join this program because I thought I was already self-aware, but the unique framework of saboteur and sage gave me new insights about myself. If you’re thinking about how to strengthen your mindset and improve both your personal and professional life, this is a worthwhile opportunity for reflection and growth. 

-Jamie, January 2024 Participant

The Mental Fitness Group program has significantly shifted the way I approach my day-to-day life and how I tackle career decisions. My day-to-day is now punctuated by mindfulness practices inspired by the PQ method that meaningfully takes me out of stress and emotional spirals. It has also reframed my next career step, no longer making it my ultimate goal to be achieved (or an embodiment of my entire identity), but rather one of many vehicles to express values that are important to me like cultivating a learner’s mindset, contributing to the greater good and being amongst supportive colleagues

I started out skeptical about the PQ process. The labels around saboteurs, sages, and the practice of PQ reps, but I trusted Stephanie as a guide and coach and I really liked the idea of a cohort of professional women to discuss my struggles in life, work, identity, and self-worth with. The community of other women I met was so valuable to me and hearing their stories helped me to make such meaningful changes in my life. 

-Katherine, Jan 2023 Participant

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